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Coming to work in the online marketplace, you know very well how important a profile or proposal is to get a job and build a good business relationship. This article has highlighted 8 useful ways to get more work. The first thing you should do before bidding on a new job is prepare yourself by reading these 5 ways
Ways to get a job are:
01. Create a unique profile
Many profiles are packed with personal information, which is unremarkable to the customer. They want to see if you are qualified to do their job. They want you to solve their problems. Prove with your work experience that you are more qualified than other competitors.
2. Creating the ideal client profile
There are many freelancers who bid on all jobs whether they know it or not. This is wrong, it wastes time. You may hit the target once, but it will cost you time, money, respect. Create a client profile to bid on jobs. This will give you an idea of ​​the clients you want to work with. Such clients can be found through a few queries.
3. Creating a great proposal
Remember, you are establishing your competence here, so making yourself seem competent in the eyes of the client is the first key to success. Creating proposals by cut-copy-paste is unwise. This will create a negative perception of clients towards you. All that a proper proposal should have is – knowing the client's needs about the work.
4. Skill test given
A survey by Elance found that 77 percent of clients look at skill test results and consider hiring freelancers with good scores to be an important factor. About 4 out of 5 clients do this. So as many skill tests as possible should be given in your job category. Besides, there are many types of tests in English, they should be given more.
5. Join the group: By joining Elance Group your professional skills are through various sponsoring companies like Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel. Showing your profile in groups will help you find buyers.